Learn how to increase your clubhead speed in 2 simple steps!! In this episode of Data Driven, our friends @FredrikandHannah, along with our own Nick Clearwater, break down some key moves you need for maximum clubhead speed. We break down a couple moves that often go uncoached or are not talked about enough. This video will leave you with a couple of simple moves you can focus on that will help you get the most clubhead speed out of your swing!
00:00:00 - The secret to hitting farther in golf is to focus on better rotation in the backswing with an increase in speed and momentum.
00:01:01 - To increase speed in golf, shift and wiggle slightly before hitting the ball to get the club traveling faster on the backswing.
00:01:52 - A faster backswing can help with distance and accuracy, even if it looks the same at first glance.
00:02:45 - Turning your hips nine more degrees and shoulders five more degrees can lead to improved ball speed, swing length, and overall performance on the golf course.
00:03:42 - The knee flex in your trail knee changes during the golf swing, continuing to flex on the way down, and at the top, it is at nine degrees.
00:04:41 - Using the ground to push yourself back faster and maintain the right angle of attack is crucial in swinging correctly, ensuring you keep your left leg straight, hips up, right leg straight with the heel over the toe, and arms extended backward.
00:05:30 - Swinging faster in golf involves bending forward and backward, and adjusting knee flex, as seen with Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods.
00:06:17 - To hit the ball farther, start with a practice swing where the shaft is parallel to the ground on the downswing, bend both knees more, and then swing up with straightened legs and lifted hips.
00:07:10 - Move the grip end of the club upward by starting with the shaft parallel to the ground and tapping it out with straight legs as a way to improve your swing speed.
00:08:00 - Measuring the timing of when to stop bending forward in your swing is key to hitting the ball further and not everyone realizes this when learning.
00:00:00 - The secret to hitting farther in golf is to focus on better rotation in the backswing with an increase in speed and momentum.
00:01:01 - To increase speed in golf, shift and wiggle slightly before hitting the ball to get the club traveling faster on the backswing.
00:01:52 - A faster backswing can help with distance and accuracy, even if it looks the same at first glance.
00:02:45 - Turning your hips nine more degrees and shoulders five more degrees can lead to improved ball speed, swing length, and overall performance on the golf course.
00:03:42 - The knee flex in your trail knee changes during the golf swing, continuing to flex on the way down, and at the top, it is at nine degrees.
00:04:41 - Using the ground to push yourself back faster and maintain the right angle of attack is crucial in swinging correctly, ensuring you keep your left leg straight, hips up, right leg straight with the heel over the toe, and arms extended backward.
00:05:30 - Swinging faster in golf involves bending forward and backward, and adjusting knee flex, as seen with Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods.
00:06:17 - To hit the ball farther, start with a practice swing where the shaft is parallel to the ground on the downswing, bend both knees more, and then swing up with straightened legs and lifted hips.
00:07:10 - Move the grip end of the club upward by starting with the shaft parallel to the ground and tapping it out with straight legs as a way to improve your swing speed.
00:08:00 - Measuring the timing of when to stop bending forward in your swing is key to hitting the ball further and not everyone realizes this when learning.
00:00:00 - that pattern you just demonstrated that's the secret sauce and how to hit these things farther [Music] hannah you got a demo frederick what does she need to do step one if she wants to step on one and just send it so both hannah and i have been working obviously on hitting it further i think pretty much every pro and every amateur wants to hit it further better absolutely so we have really worked on just trying to get a better rotation uh in the backswing and when i say that
00:00:32 - it's not only with the shoulders it's with the whole body both shoulders and hips and something that helps with that is we we're trying to swing it back a little bit faster that kind of momentum helps you to really get a bigger pivot in the backswing which puts you in a better position to really generate some speed in the downswing yeah do you have like some kind of percentage hannah you think of how much faster you want to do something i am just trying to do
00:00:59 - everything i feel like when i swing it back fast i'm ripping it and it's a little more vertical than my normal swing but you play with people in pro amps who are trying to just go really slow barely move and that's how you're going to frustrating thing to hear yeah yeah well you have better advice for them for sure so you just try to wind it up as much as you can as much hips turn shoulder turn go fast yeah something that helps me do it is to not stand still before i hit i like to kind
00:01:25 - of shift do a little wiggling so i'm not really like moving that much you probably can't even see it but i'm just kind of getting my feet and my the rest of my body like moving a little bit okay that's good advice another part of going fast is that the club if you do that well like you really actually do faster the club on the backswing is traveling faster so to change speeds and change direction of that you actually have to pull on the club harder to do that the force you're
00:01:51 - you're pushing with goes up but you have to do it more to make it go quicker so that's partly why a faster backswing is really helpful let's go take a look hey can you either of you tell which one's going farther here yeah my hips are much more turned in that one are they yes well we've measured them they're exactly the same here yeah they look like they're facing further this way well you didn't do the hip turn piece more yet it's coming soon though you guessed it i think it's
00:02:18 - because i left the ball speed up there but anyway this is the one on the left that i'm gonna move here uh your turn just about the same when your lead arm's parallel to the ground here but watch how it starts to look a little bit different so that's your standard uh just smash it on the course you turn 94 degrees with your thorax so everything above my hand there you can see how you've got plenty of your hair visible your head's turned shoulders are turned to the max that's
00:02:43 - just a really nice swing and notice how the club stops like at the corner of the love your game sign right there in contrast your send it swing you've turned your hips nine more degrees so you just changed the amount you turned from that point in time all the way to the top and your shoulders turn five more degrees your ball speed went up and then you can see the length of the swings cutting through the uh almost the middle of the either so that's what you do
00:03:10 - that's what happens when you try to do your feel of turn more swing faster it's good advice for everybody and then that one you ripped out there one of the best parts of your swing and we don't talk about your swing i'm not your teacher or trying to be but you demonstrate a really nice part of the downswing that i want to take a look at too so you do something really nice on the downswing that really helps you hit it far too and swing fast so check this one out there's a variable
00:03:36 - that is really hard to measure anywhere except for golftec and that is your your trail knee flex so i'm just going to pull that out now it says nine degrees flexed at the top of the swing now the pattern that your knee flex changes is almost universal by good golfers there isn't a my body type is this so i do this there isn't a anyone can do it any way they want this is there are certain things in golf that don't really work that way this is one on the downswing your knee flex is going
00:04:07 - to change to the point where it will continue to flex on the way down and people talk about pushing into the ground or using the ground as a a lever system essentially or using the ground i think it's just that most common term you're not really using the ground it just kind of sits there you need to move yourself around so you do a really nice job of that your knee flex goes from nine degrees forward and you'll see that it starts to bend and i want to find that point in time
00:04:34 - where it stops which will be right about here your lead arm's 45 degrees to the ground at this point you might bend it a little bit more but at this point this is where you're starting to straighten it and that pattern helps you keep the angle of attack from going too far down it raises up your hips it helps you just move yourself backwards faster that's really what you're doing you're using the ground as a way to push yourself up like you would if you're going to jump
00:05:00 - and then you're going to keep straightening that leg until somewhere in here and then eventually you'll just start to flex it again so that trail knee flex is really straight in here and you did an awesome job of that the honestly the best parts of your swing are right here as crazy as that sounds your left leg is really straight your hips and the the top of your squirt there like you can't get that any higher your right leg is really straight your heels right over your toe both of
00:05:25 - your arms are really straight tilted to the right extended backwards all that detail that rock star players have that's you right there so that's a big part of swinging faster though is bending yourself forward rory mcilroy tiger woods they were always known for lowering themselves quite a bit all they were doing was using that same principle and just using it more which helps you swing faster and then you've seen like the long drive guys who hit it too on the backswing
00:05:49 - they tend not to left tilt very much so that they can make a really long swing their head goes up then on the way down it goes down a lot and then through the ball they're jumping off the ground and bending themselves backwards their inclination to the ground's changing all the time but they're using that principle bending forward and backward and that's unfortunately not a like dimension of golf this way yeah and your knee flex change the talks has talked much about golf even we started with
00:06:11 - just turning more and everybody knows about that but that's really that that pattern you just demonstrated that's the secret sauce and how to hit these things farther all right so you want to go talk about how we can work on that or show someone how to do it all right so one way you can just demonstrate that or practice it just uh set up as if you're going to make a swing right where my foot is so practice swing just go to where the shaft is parallel to the ground on the downswing
00:06:37 - and then that's where you want to bend both of your knees more degrees just start more bent don't move the shaft yet flex your knees even more and then swing up to about where my hand is you see it over here and straighten your legs all the way both of them i know i heard the bone crack it's like a squat yeah exactly so that's the that's really the form you do well already you don't need to practice this but if somebody wanted to get a feel for it i'd say just actually start with the shaft
00:07:02 - parallel to the ground on the way down bend both your knees and then try to get your your hips up as high as you can and just chip a ball you got it that would be a good one and that's helping you shallow out the angled attack it does help you swing faster too because it's a it's a way to move the the grip end of the club upward when you hit yeah it's you moving backwards that's the most necessary ingredient in that so chip one of these just start with the shaft parallel the ground okay
00:07:29 - frederick and i are safe over here don't worry about us and just start with the shaft parallel the ground just tap it out there with your legs as straight as you can get through the ball nice and that would be an easy way someone at home could just start and then you just make some longer swings feeling the tiger woods rory mcelroy flexing of your pelvis and your knees and your ankles everything flexes before you extend backwards again got it i don't know what do you think have you
00:07:53 - thought about it like that before yeah that makes a lot of sense i've always heard people talk about the like squat move but no one really tells you about the timing of it and when to do it that's why measuring your swing you bring up a good point there it's not just do it as much as you can there's a point in time where you want to stop bending forward or you have a new problem all of that is usually left out of books and and instruction in general so it's hard to
00:08:17 - learn that luckily for you you have that statistical advantage where you just swing and you already do it not everyone watching this is as good as you so that's a big part of hitting these farther we think i miss anything no i think that's fantastic i mean use the ground uh have a big turn use the ground and that's definitely the two secrets of hitting it further yeah good advice good demo thank you guys crush it thanks
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