the Golf Store for Better Play

Golftec Services

Golf lessons, club fittings, and gear at a golf store near you

Symble for the journey to better golf with GOLFTEC.

Golf Lessons

A comprehensive path to improved golf thats tailored to your game.

Club Fitting

The right equipment makes all the difference. Get your game dialed with the newest clubs from the biggest names in the industry.

Youth Golf Lessons

Golf Lessons tailored to youth students with the same industry leading technology and professional GOLFTEC coaches.

Senior Lessons

Golf only gets better with age and we have the experience and expertise to get you playing the best golf of your life.

Benefits of Golftec

Setting the standard for game improvement!

Symble for the journey to better golf with GOLFTEC.
Recent Reviews
“I have been loving my experience so far. I was a 22 handicap, chop swing golfer when I started. 6 lessons in and my swing is completely different.”
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Paul S.
GOLFTEC Alpharetta
“I was having problems with the shanks. They fixed that in one lesson. Used other lessons to clean up my swing. Have gained some speed and length because of it.”
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Chris Connell
GOLFTEC East Hanover

“I've loved my time at GOLFTEC! All of their instructors are so friendly and knowledgeable. GOLFTEC isn't a quick fix for a bad swing, they focus on the fundamentals of building a good golf swing from the ground up!”

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Levi Hemmer

“If you're looking to take your golf game to the next level, look no further than Golftec. I can't recommend this place enough for anyone who wants to improve their swing, get personalized lessons, or find the perfect club fit.”

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Ryan Adkins
Ready to get started?
Book a Service with an expert instructor and start playing better golf!
Brian R
Dropped 14 Shots
Sue Y
Dropped 8 Shots
Smiling female golfer
Tom R
Broke 80
Man is happy about his golf round
Betsy P
Added 30 Yards
Woman smiling
Charlie C
Dropped 7 Shots
Man happy about his round on the course
Mike S
Dropped 21 Shots
Steve F
Broke 90
Man smiling about golf
Chris K
Dropped 11 Shots
Neil T
Added 24 Yards
Luke P
Dropped 15 Shots
Man smiling on the golf course
Alexis V
Broke 100
Smiling female golfer
Tim W
Dropped 12 Shots
Man looking up at his golf shot