We are all chasing increased speed in our golf swing these days but how can we gain more speed while still finding the center of the fairway? In this video, VP of Instruction Nick Clearwater and Director of Teaching Quality Brad Skupaka are sharing the three keys in your swing that can help you increase speed.
00:00:01 - To increase swing speed, focus on making a longer swing and getting down and back up quickly.
00:00:59 - To hit the ball farther, you should turn more during your swing to increase potential power for the downswing.
00:01:50 - The bad golf advice of turning your shoulders a lot and not your hips is actually the opposite of what should be done to execute a proper swing.
00:02:43 - To create more power in a golf swing, focus on turning the hips more by starting with having some foot flare, especially on the trail foot, to make it easier to wind up properly.
00:03:31 - To make oneself more flexible in golf, turning both toes out 20 degrees can be a good way to start and help improve flexibility in the backswing by allowing the knees to change flex.
00:04:18 - Adding some flex to the lead leg while straightening the trail leg makes turning the hips easier in golf swings, increasing flexibility and club head speed; avoiding restrictions and pain points leads to a better swing model.
00:05:15 - Players who play golf at a high level often follow the rule of bending backwards slightly and then forward again in order to generate more power in their swing.
00:06:10 - When drawing an arrow, it is important to align your hips and pelvis in a backward position before releasing the arrow like a slingshot to achieve a powerful swing in golf.
00:07:05 - Most people don't do enough follow-through when swinging a golf club, and working on improving this aspect can help increase speed and club delivery.
00:07:55 - When practicing golf, focus on turning your foot and knee out, making a long swing, and punching the ball down the fairway before worrying about perfecting your form through the ball.
00:08:52 - Change your motor program or swing faster by practicing the downswing where your lead arm is parallel to the ground, and then bend forward even more.
00:09:42 - Bend forward longer before getting back up to improve golf swing and skill level, as seen in PGA tour players.
00:10:37 - The key is to move the middle of the grip or the butt into the club to achieve a more upward trajectory during the swing, focusing on speeding up wrist movement for a faster club motion.
00:11:30 - To swing faster throughout your entire swing, apply more force to the club by moving as quickly as possible from the brakes on the downswing to the finish, practicing each aspect individually for optimal improvement.
00:12:23 - Move the club quickly throughout the swing, pull the shaft down faster, and speed up your movements to increase your swing speed.
00:13:20 - Access your free GolfTec account and explore more content related to speed, click thumbs up if you liked the video or thumbs down if you didn't, subscribe for more videos and stay updated, thanks.
🏌️♂️ Longer swings generate more potential power for the downswing.
🏆 Turning your hips as much as possible is crucial for maximizing your swing.
🦵 Flaring your feet out 20 degrees can make your pelvis more flexible and improve your swing.
🔄 Allowing your knees to change flex during the backswing helps in turning your hips more easily.
🎯 Bending forward at 40 degrees during the downswing is essential for a powerful shot.
🏌️♀️ Extending your thoracic spine backward during the follow-through is a key skill separator among golfers.
💪 Practicing each part of the swing separately can help improve your overall performance.
⛳ Moving the club faster throughout the entire swing can increase your swing speed.
🚀 Using your body like a slingshot can help propel the golf ball farther.
00:00:01 - nice so we're talking about three keys to increasing the speed in your swing so typically people have some issues like short swings being forward bent for way too long and then really just moving yourself too slowly so we've got national world long drive extraordinaire competitor brad scupaka here who's better to talk about distance than someone in that kind of world class here so instead what you really need to do is make a longer swing we're going to talk about a ton of
00:00:30 - different ways that you can actually wind it up make a longer swing and then how getting down and getting back up as simple as that sounds and it's a good life lesson anyway is really how you're going to execute hitting this farther so let's start with just the short swing piece so go ahead and set up to this tee and while you're doing that let me just pop in how long this swing was so check that out you can see it in both views too brad how the top of your backswing you've got
00:00:57 - your shoulders that are turned and by turning i just mean they're almost moving somewhat in an ellipse like that and you can see it a little bit less from the side view camera but from here how your shoulders and specifically your left shoulder relative to your right your left shoulder is in front of your chin your right shoulder is being occluded by your head but you've turned yourself a little more than 90 degrees relative to where you started that's a huge part of all this
00:01:23 - same thing for your hips those have turned close to 45 degrees as well that's the start of winding it up and if anything if you want to make a you want to hit it farther do you want to turn less or more more make a longer backswing it's more potential power ultimately for the downswing that's good you've been listening very nicely yeah longer swings wind it up so i think a lot of people are nervous when they struggle to hit it far that you need to maybe make your swing a little bit shorter
00:01:47 - or if you're concerned on uh you read some bad golf advice you might hear don't turn your hips very much but turn your shoulders a lot you've seen plenty of long drivers yourself included is that what people are actually trying to do really the opposite recipe it's turning your hips as much as you can so then you can turn your shoulders as much as you can i laugh because it really is pretty hilarious to think of that's how you should execute your swing as if you're a human being
00:02:12 - you aren't a rubber band and that's sometimes how that is described that you're trying to really torque the amount that you're turning in your upper body or your torso specifically but don't turn your hips very much because that really helps you just unwind but with that analogy that would mean like i pulled my arm way back it's the same were true i'm really stretching all the tendons ligaments in every muscle in my arm to do this and when i relax it doesn't make me
00:02:39 - fling my arm forward it's the opposite of that nothing really happens so there is a separation between your hips and your shoulders and how much you turn them in the backswing it isn't the place to start though for creating power like winding up that spring that's a good way to get hurt so don't do that um so instead to make a longer swing what's like a couple pieces of pieces of advice you'd have for people to to wind it up more yeah one thing again just starting with
00:03:04 - uh turning the hips more and there's some things we can do to make that even easier i mean i would even just start with having some amount of foot flare yeah especially the the trail foot for a lot of golfers and we always see people come in having their feet really straight so that's a good point when brad's describing that so if you were looking at him from the front here you can see how his his toes are basically aimed perpendicular to his target line their aim just straight ahead
00:03:26 - that just makes it harder to turn your knee outward on this side and the same on the other and it makes your pelvis more uh immobile harder to move that way so to make yourself effectively more flexible a good way to do that is turn both toes out 20 degrees there's nothing that says you couldn't turn them out even more than that but that's enough that'll work and then that's starting to like preset his right knee to be turned outward more which is making him more flexible so
00:03:51 - that's a good start what else do you have well i mean we could start stopping there and probably help a lot of people well that would be a good good place to begin that's why it was a good pro tip number one but if you actually want to make a backswing as well too then we could just kind of keep working our way up just talk about the knees then so as the golfer then starts their backswing allowing the knees to change flex i think a lot of people fight that intentionally kind of coming
00:04:14 - back to your idea of restricting the hip term they're trying to restrict the change in the knee flex yeah so straightening the trail leg adding some flex to the lead leg just then makes it easier to then turn the hips so flaring the feet changing the knee flex as long as it makes turning the hips easier it makes just moving easier as well so a lot of people try to play golf by making themselves very inflexible like you're playing in a body cast and hit the ball really far gain some
00:04:40 - more club head speed you need to do the opposite of that like release all of those pain points that keep you restricted yeah and that's a good model swing all right so the next one is the downswing error that people can make so check out tech swing up here i've drawn a couple of green lines on you that's really representing the amount that you're bent forward so with some fancy drawing get a load of this brad most people at this point in time are bent forward about 40 degrees
00:05:08 - now at the same point in time on the downswing there's a spot right about in here where your lead arm is pretty close to horizontal or if anything it's a little bit past that close to 45 degrees to the ground somewhere between that frame and this one is a good time to be bent right back in that forward bend again there aren't too many players who play golf at any kind of level that are good that don't follow that rule i actually can't remember ever measuring anyone who didn't follow that rule
00:05:37 - but the better players in particular there is a tiny little window that you bend yourself backward and then you bend yourself forward again this is step number one of well it's actually step number two of swinging faster but step number one of being able to really propel yourself forward and moving faster which is that third piece so at this point in time you're almost back in that exact same 40 degree bend next step is now the third step in the whole equation which is get back up again
00:06:03 - so you know that when you watch pga tour players we'll zoom over here to the front view of brad at this point in time when i draw that same arrow we'll do it in yellow this time on your thorax or the back of your spine and we start looking at the angle of your pelvis notice how those are backward now i would really only do your hips i'd make those level at this point in time you're trying to hit this really far so there's more extension in that and that's just the term extension of
00:06:29 - moving yourself backward to some degree and then once you go past that you would normally stand up now you're really in extension with your thoracic spine going backwards so that 40 degree forward bend demonstrate that one again on the downswing is important so that now you've you've made like the beginning of a catapult or what you'd think of as like a slingshot he's pulled that slingshot back and then from this point in time until his right arm's parallel through the ball
00:06:57 - this is where he's going to bend himself backward and that's you letting go of that slingshot firing that golf ball down the driving range for sure most people don't do enough of either one of those in particular the follow through there's i rarely meet a bad golfer someone who swings slow and who wants more speed that isn't bent backward enough in the follow-through that fair yeah i think it's important not just for swinging faster but even just club delivery too
00:07:21 - that's good helps everything you're saying i'm not a liar i appreciate that that's very nice for you didn't say that so since you did say that here's here's what you can do if you wanted to try to fix these things we talked about some complicated things winding it up for example there's a lot that goes into that but then to make a downswing that's fast and rip this ball down the fairway is tricky so the way i would tell people to start is do one thing at a time
00:07:44 - first thing is just wind it up in the backswing so grab a ball and demonstrate how that one would look like so the only thing brad should be practicing if it's a backswing oriented piece is just to turn himself backward as far as he can go do the aspects he talked about at address turn your foot out turn your knee out make a long swing all you got and then just punch this ball down the fairway trying to do that he's not worried about how perfect this form is through the ball yet fair when that
00:08:14 - looks really good we'll look at this one on the camera just to help people see that one top of the swing on this one your shoulders will be turned 120 degrees and your hips closer to 70 degrees in that picture that's how you practice the backswing then you hit i find too many people who are worried about their entire swing and the results of the shot don't change their form or their motor program which is just your swing is all up here in your brain it isn't a physical thing that
00:08:43 - some people are just can do better than someone else's this picture in your head is better the slower you go and the less you worry about so if you're just dedicating towards the backswing you'll be able to change your motor program or your swing faster sound good so far miss anything no didn't think i did i'm good on the downswing though the bending forward part this one is a little trickier to do as well because this is a part of your swing when your lead arms
00:09:07 - parallel to the ground on the way down where a lot of things are moving really fast so there's a lot happening as well you're turning yourself open your knees are flexing your neck is flexing forward your lead arm is starting to move across your chest this way that abduction your wrists are changing root flex your elbows changing flex we're just barely like scratching the surface on all the things you could talk about but because those are hard to do this is how
00:09:32 - i'd suggest practicing the downswing so just make your backswing however you think is pretty fairly normal then on the way down move yourself down to where your lead arms just pass parallel to the ground and then bend yourself even more forward with your knee flex and your hips and then go ahead and punch this ball down the fairway make some practice swings that way that's teaching you how to bend yourself forward more and longer before getting back up again good
00:09:56 - and i think i've even seen pga tour players who need some help with that ones too though the ones who are the shortest hitters don't bend forward long enough so this isn't just for you it's for anybody who plays golf then the last one to get back up again so this is the one i think that's the most critical for people to understand because it's the such a huge separator of skill that amount you're bent back with your shoulders and your neck all the way into your
00:10:19 - follow-through that makes you look like a pga tour player is one that is a key separator of skill levels the best golfers do this more than the worst the worst are trying to hit a shot and keep your head down or it looks like you're staring down at the ground looking for your contact lens after you hit a shot those are the that's the worst way to play so the follow through or how to get back up again so i'd start just that on the downswing again when you're bent forward the most and now
00:10:47 - wouldn't worry about bending more forward don't worry about anything else now the trick from this point in time is for brad to actually move the middle of the grip or the butt into the club or this end of the grip or six inches down the shaft whatever it is that you want to focus on has to move upward so that trajectory is more this way at that point in time to do that he has to move himself that's the trick thanks for not hitting me too that's very nice for you
00:11:12 - didn't know what was going to happen there the trajectory has to be more upward than downward the faster you can do that as your wrists start to uncock or move towards ulnar deviation that's the big piece to help you move this club faster that's for a longer story it's a bigger one i'm sure we'll have plenty of videos on that too but that skill to practice that get down in the downswing again and then coming through this ball i want you just to throw the brakes on on your
00:11:38 - downswing and then move as fast as you can all the way to the finish and put yourself backward all you got exactly so you practice each one of those things one at a time ready for the pro tip the bonus tip let's hear it you don't you haven't known about anything i was going to say yet so this has been i'm just trying to demonstrate uh the best of my bills you haven't screwed up too bad this is good uh the best pro tip i can give you here was a in a biomechanics lab in 2005 that was the
00:12:05 - first time i ever went to one in illinois i asked the biomechanics professor what's one way that you could swing faster and he didn't really know much about golf but he also started putting it in my head that just the faster you swing throughout the entire swing the the more force you're always applying to the club so you've got a chance to swing faster doesn't mean you're going to but that's a good start so one thing that you could do is even from a dress until the top of the swing try to move
00:12:31 - that club while still winding it up as best you can as fast as you can there's an element of how you need to pull the shaft down faster on the way down and just the whole idea of moving quicker is a good start to swinging faster in general go with that i try that one yeah you want to try though faster brad faster red doesn't really need faster he's always practicing faster but that's an easy way for you to carry one 300 plus yards no big deal so those that's it those are
00:13:01 - your three keys to increasing speed you've got your don't make short short swings you're bent forward incorrectly throughout the entire swing to really use yourself as a slingshot to hit it far and then chances are you're moving too slow get it all going faster so all of this will make you swing faster and i know it'll help you play better check out more content that we've created related to speed and access your free golftec account in the links below if you did like this video as always go
00:13:29 - ahead and click thumbs up if you didn't like this video go ahead and click thumbs down two times my friend eric taught me that one and then also you can subscribe to all of our videos and keep up with the latest content we have thanks for your help brad you did pretty good thank you okay coach thanks
00:13:51 - [Music] foreign
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