
Achieve Massive Power in Your Golf Swing with This Crazy Lag Technique!


Want to unlock massive power in your golf swing? πŸ’₯ This crazy lag technique could be the key to generating more speed, distance, and effortless power. In this video, we break down how lag works, why it’s essential for a powerful swing, and how you can start using it right now to hit longer shots. πŸ”Ή What is lag & why does it matter? πŸ”Ή How to create effortless power in your swing πŸ”Ή A simple drill to master lag & maximize distance If you want to add serious speed and power to your swing, this is a must-watch! Try this technique and watch your drives explode.

00:00:00 - Many golfers make common mistakes by not using enough radial in their swing, leading to problems down the road, and the goal is to teach the overall golf community how to utilize more radial in their swing.

00:00:32 - Learn how to gain more power in your golf game by improving wrist movement to increase lag.

00:01:25 - Utilizing radial and ulnar motion in the golf swing is important to avoid common faults and create a smoother overall motion, particularly for higher handicappers.

00:02:26 - Use radial motion on the backswing to generate power and hit the ball with more distance.

00:03:25 - Practice hitting the ground with the club parallel to the ground in order to improve your golf swing transition from radial to ulnar.

00:04:30 - Make sure the club and arm are parallel to the ground, indicating enough power is built into the swing, before chipping the ball out to gain distance.

00:05:31 - Utilize this drill to learn how to release the lag, shift weight forward, and achieve crisp, clean contact for better speed and distance in your golf swing.

πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Properly utilizing radial and ulnar wrist motions can significantly improve your golf swing.

πŸ’ͺ Learning to release radial motion to ulnar motion at the right point in the downswing can increase power and distance.

🎯 High handicap golfers often release their wrist motions too early, leading to less effective swings.

πŸ“ Practicing wrist motion drills can help golfers achieve better contact and control over their shots.

β›³ Professional golfers use more radial and ulnar motions in their swings compared to high handicap golfers.

00:00:00 - and a lot of common faults of what golfers do out there is that they utilize um some of this radial sometimes they don't utilize as much so they try to get the club to go further in other other ways which is bending a lot of the lead forarms and doing doing things that they is eventually going to create problems down the road so ultimately we want to just teach the overall General Golf World how to utilize a little bit more radial and owner within the swing [Music]

00:00:32 - all right hello everyone are you looking for more distance because we have this crazy way with your wrist and to gain some more lag to gain more power in your golf game so if you wanted some more power you found the right video for sure so I want to show you something that what we have to Define lag first so that's a terminology that gets thrown around a lot in the golf world so what is lag is usually usually associated to um the wrist bends throughout so I'm

00:00:58 - going to define a couple of terms for first before I start talking one is going to be radial and then the other one is going to be owner so when the thumb goes towards your forearm right here that would be more radial so almost like a thumbs up so this is a radial motion okay now owner is when you're almost pointing a remote control at the TV so when the Pinky gets closer to your forearm so that ultimately is what can I borrow your card real fast thank you is

00:01:23 - what creates and both of the wrists do this the lag piece so in a lot of common fault of what golfers do out there is that they utilize um some of this radial sometimes they don't utilize as much so they try to get the club to go further in other other ways which is bending a lot of the lead forarms and doing doing things that they is eventually going to create problems down the road so ultimately we want to just teach the overall General Golf World how to utilize a little bit more radial and

00:01:54 - owner within the swing the T um relative to a higher handicapper the tour actually uses a whole lot more of this motion okay okay and say if a higher handicapper does have the radial and owner piece built into their swing they tend to leave that owner piece um in they go from radial to owner in the wrong area it's like right when they start their down swing it happens so then that creates a lot of width relative to the club and them and then they have to accommodate to hit the ball

00:02:24 - again so what we want to do is to be able to do it like the pros do okay they um release this radial and go towards owner when the club on the downswing is closer and parallel to the ground to impact is where they do it oh okay and that's where a lot of the power is it's not found starting the downswing it actually isn't because then you have to slow yourself down to be able to just hit the ball and manage it we want to be able to build in a lot more radial and

00:02:51 - use the owner to hit the ball okay okay so I have a nice little drill we're going to go through it okay I'm excited for this one I want some more distance on my shots yes we all do absolutely now uh I like your ambition take the ball away though oh shoot okay I know uh because we have to learn this first yeah now what I want you to do is that you're going to take the club to parallel um on the back swing okay but I want you to do that by utilizing as much radial as you possibly

00:03:20 - can there you go just like that fantastic now when you're going to kind of take a little Chip Shot I want you to try to hit the ground as hard as you can by going like thumbs down towards the ground okay okay there you go like not really move my arms at all just my wrist yeah just your wrist you can use your arms and and body and everything I just want you to hit the ground with that okay okay like make contact with the ground okay good do it again good nice these little Chip Shot swings

00:03:55 - they're not going to be very powerful right now okay you're just learning where in this uh say in your golf swing should you be going from radial to owner yeah amateur golfers high handicappers are doing it far too soon in the downswing so we have to be able to utilize more of it just when the club is about parallel to the ground and just trying to hit the ground with the motion of you going from radial to owner okay there you go good does it matter if I'm hitting behind uh it eventually will

00:04:26 - yes it does matter um you want to make sure that your impact the turf in the appropriate area so in front of the ball is going to be something with especially the iron yeah okay okay there you go good start with a lot of radial fantastic and then stop over here for me and I'm going to give you all check point that you can list off to so you're going to have your hands about chest High here and then this is where the club and the arm especially the trail arm is going to be parallel to the

00:04:54 - ground at the same exact time that means you have enough owner built into your swing if you start ending your swing with a lot of radial you haven't essentially gained any power by any means okay okay so go ahead and do that one more time with those checkpoints so a lot of radial to all the owner over here good and again nice all right let's go aad and Chip a ball out there yeah okay yeah see if I can make contact in the right place contact is going to be the hard one to

00:05:25 - start out but over time as you continue to build this and start impacting the turf in the appropriate area then you start understanding just how to utilize this little U mechanism or lever we'll call it a lever okay um as or the crazy lag as we've been uh told as well good do it again getting behind the ball kind of it's okay get one good one out there one clean one how do you manage your low point being more ahead thank you yep shift my weight forward okay let's try that yep just have the

00:05:57 - weight over there nice oh perfect there you go really crisp clean contact good low Point that's what you're kind of striving for in this drill and everything so if you can just utilize this drill to the point where you're just learning how to unhinge or release the lag or from what I'm talking about going from radial to owner in the appropriate area you're going to gain a whole lot more speed and eventually lead into that distance that you're all looking for [Music]


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