Fix Your Chicken Wing Golf Swing With This Move


Cleaner contact and more distance are two hot topics every golfer wants more of, and to obtain this, they must first understand the golf swing. Fixing that "chicken wing" look with your lead arm through impact is vital to improving contact and adding distance. In this Data Driven episode, we dive into a golf lesson with our optimotion to show precisely how you want to bend through impact and into your follow-through to allow your lead arm to stay fully extended. Creating the best chance for clean contact, added distance, and no chicken wing!

00:00:00 - Marissa is a professional golfer who struggled with hitting shots off the turf and has a common flaw in her swing that many people can relate to.

00:00:58 - The coach is analyzing the golf swing, praising the backswing but noting issues in the downswing with some numbers turning red.

00:01:51 - You need more tilt in your shoulders and hips to make it easier to reach the ground when swinging a golf club.

00:02:48 - Flexing the left elbow helps angle tacks down properly during a golf swing, while avoiding hitting really fat shots, with shoulder tilt being a key factor to prevent targeting miscalculation.

00:03:44 - In the downswing, tilt your shoulders to the right by keeping your head still to achieve more backward bending like Colin does when his right arm is parallel to the ground.

00:04:44 - Learning to tilt to the right on the way down and bending backward through the shot will help keep your arms released and ensure hitting the ground in the same spot every time.

00:05:30 - To improve your swing, push your hips towards the target to bring your heel closer to your toe, ensuring that your shoulder bend is 24 degrees forward when your right arm is parallel to the ground.

00:06:31 - Start by bending five degrees backwards at the 22nd position and continue bending your neck, torso, and shoulders back until your arms are parallel to your hips.

00:07:09 - Let's start with some practice swings to learn how to move properly before hitting the shots, focusing on keeping your butt against the wall and shifting your hips forward with the head to the side to move to the left.

00:07:59 - Learning the correct golf swing movement is simple, but becomes more challenging when holding the club, so focus on positioning your weight on your front foot with heel up and hips high for better follow-through.

00:08:58 - The backward bend is now 12 degrees compared to the starting point of 24 degrees forward.

00:09:58 - If you struggled at first, that's alright because it's just about keeping your hips moving and rotating correctly; it looks like you practiced on your own well.

00:10:15 - Shoulders should be tilted more to the right, increase shoulder turn to 91 degrees, have more backward shoulder bend of 13 degrees, keep hips raised, move closer to the hole, stop movement before hitting the ball, roll the shaft and extend the wrist to put the shaft into high gear to move yourself out of the way.

00:11:03 - You can practice without a ball first to work on your backswing and follow through positioning.

00:11:41 - Make sure to fix your foot positioning and practice with straight arms, correct hip placement, and backward neck bending to improve, then add a ball for an extra challenge.

00:12:01 - Your shoulders are open about 30 degrees more than before, causing your hips and ankles to turn more as well.

00:12:18 - Practice one more time with the side bend and keeping your head in the correct position, ensuring good form and hitting with the stick six inches away to avoid injury.

00:12:49 - I will continue to hold this stick up to help you follow through with your shots, even if I get hit by the ball, and despite the slight differences in your swings, we need to work on keeping your arms straighter at impact.

00:13:50 - The focus is on improving posture to avoid looking downward by bending backward, raising hips, and adjusting shoulder bend, similar to Natalie Gulbis on the LPGA tour.

00:14:54 - You need to use your body like a catapult, starting with small chip shots and gradually increasing power in your swing while maintaining your follow-through.

00:15:48 - Please practice your swing with faster speed and proper follow-through, especially focusing on the brakes and stopping at the end, then continue the swing with an eight iron.

00:16:11 - You may need to swing faster and increase backward bending to avoid hitting the ground and maintain a straight arm position when the shaft is closer to parallel.

00:16:52 - You need to bend backward sooner and more in order to improve your swing.

00:18:02 - Try to replicate the previous success by making another strong attempt and not holding back.

00:18:16 - Make sure to straighten your arms, lock them in place, engage your shoulders and head back while rotating your torso, and ensure that your wrists stay flexed throughout the movement if it feels like they are drifting away from your chest.

00:19:14 - Despite the delay, the ball indicates when it's time to do the exercise, becoming more challenging as you increase your speed.

00:20:01 - The head and neck should not be flexed forward while hitting and the backward bending should happen earlier in the downswing to improve coordination.

00:20:28 - The golfer is satisfied with hitting high draws and is not concerned about minor mistakes in the shots.

00:20:52 - Make sure you are still bending forward slightly through the ball and practicing swings without hitting your head on the rod.

00:21:21 - Rate how well you did on that last task from one to ten, I would give myself a six.

00:21:35 - You need to straighten your left arm, start at 24, keep your right arm parallel to the ground, shift your weight slightly forward, position your heel over your toe, and keep your hips forward.

00:21:53 - When practicing golf, it is important to start bending backward when the shaft is at a 45-degree angle to the ground, shift weight to the front foot, and straighten the arms to improve your swing.

00:22:51 - A golf lesson is beneficial even for skilled players, thank you for demonstrating that.

🏌️‍♀️ Marissa Masana is an aspiring LPGA tour player from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

🎓 Marissa attended Clemson University before turning professional in golf.

⛳ Hitting a shot off the turf can be challenging, even for professional golfers.

📊 Quantifying aspects of your golf game can help identify areas for improvement.

🏌️‍♂️ A common flaw in golf swings is improper movement through the ball.

🔄 Marissa's backswing is nearly perfect, but her downswing needs adjustments.

📉 Shoulder and hip tilt are crucial for making solid contact with the ball.

🔴 Red and blue numbers in golf metrics indicate areas needing improvement.

🏌️‍♂️ Proper shoulder tilt helps in reaching the ground effectively during a swing.

📐 Marissa needs to tilt her shoulders more to the right during her downswing.

🏌️‍♀️ Flexing the left elbow can help avoid hitting fat shots.

🔄 Proper follow-through in a golf swing influences how you hit the ball.

🏌️‍♂️ Keeping the head still and tilting the shoulders correctly are key to a consistent golf swing.

00:00:00 - [Music] hey so i'm here with marissa aspiring lpga tour player hi guys i'm marisa masana and i am playing on this much tour for my second year now i grew up in fort lauderdale florida went to clemson university and now i'm playing professionally so you struggle with a couple things with the ball on the ground hitting a shot off the turf is hard for everybody but even you sometimes have a hard time hitting nice solid shots with even a seven or eight iron sound about right

00:00:33 - unfortunately yeah so let's let's work on that one so i'm interested i'm really curious to show you some measurements because uh we we talked a little bit about your game and how you think about golf but being able to quantify things to do different help you recognize if you're doing them enough or too much or the right amount yeah it's not good yeah okay and then uh you have a particular flaw in your swing that is really common for what people who watch this tend to

00:00:56 - have too which is how you move yourself around through the ball uh-huh okay so let's take a look at this last swing you made and we'll start right at the dress not to skip around too much but most of your backswing looks fantastic like this isn't any issue whatsoever top of the swing so to give you an idea of what we're doing here we've got all those numbers that you see up there some of those pertain to you and some of them don't they're color coded just to

00:01:22 - help you recognize how close you are to like a average of the lpga tour players that play really good and those that you want to beat anyway so i'll talk about some of that when when there's a good time for it but there really isn't right now that's awesome whatever you're doing on the backswing keep going now where this starts to get a little bit uh interesting to me i think is on the downswing so when you get to where the shaft's parallel to the ground somewhere

00:01:45 - right around here you notice how some of those numbers that weren't red before are starting to turn red and even see like some blue numbers let me show you what those are all about here so first one yeah you had a little bit of a question on shoulder tilt and your hip tilt so at this point in time let me pull up a stud golfer here that you'll recognize and we'll check this one out i'm going to move him to the same spot you are where the shaft's parallel the ground and here's what i notice that's

00:02:14 - different and you are going to stop me if any of this doesn't sound right or you have a question you notice the tilt of his shoulders yeah how much more to the right those are tilted yours are pretty level but it's being measured even as slightly to the left and then even his hips are angled more to the right as well so with yours being that that tilt is what makes it easier for you to actually reach the ground but the side tilt to the right is the piece that uh you're really lacking the most

00:02:44 - yeah so you're about ready to smash the club into the ground because you're bent forward and your shoulders are level so your angle the tacks more down so the way that you reconcile that to not hit a bad really fat shot is to start to flex your left elbow and we'll keep going just a few more and you notice how you've got the shaft forward which is a good trade in in great players that's why you do this so well but we'll do the same thing with colin here and the number that sticks out is red

00:03:13 - and this one is the shoulder tilt again so his shoulders are probably tilted they've continued to tilt to the right that's changed ever so slightly from when the shaft's parallel to there in the mid 20s so you're at about 10. wow so you had mentioned how sometimes you feel like your head moves forward and it does i'll move that to the side of the tv that shoulder sway is really like the center of your shoulders moving towards or away from the target yeah yours at

00:03:39 - three and a half inches towards is a good two inches closer to the target than it should be so one of your questions was what do i do in the downswing and it do i need to feel like i move forward am i moving back enough you need to tilt your shoulders more to the right you do that by keeping your head really still and i'll show you how to do that okay so now instead of these next hits we're going to practice you can see the space between your elbows and how flexed your arms are

00:04:04 - we're going to stop doing that very quickly here today now coming through the ball this one is the part that's maybe more important the shoulder bend is that 25 degrees forward and you notice how you're still almost looking down at the ground yeah your hips are bent backward but not enough either take a look at how colin hits this when his right arm is parallel to the ground and you'll see a lot more of the backward bending of his torso like when you look at his back see how stretched

00:04:36 - out he is here now yours is almost straight up and down yeah good with that um his left leg is really straight yours are too but you need to hit this shot with some understanding of how to tilt yourself to the right on the way down and then coming through the ball actually bending yourself backward through the shot then you can keep your arms released yeah and then just learning how to coordinate that will be the secret for you to hit the ground in the same spot every time but

00:05:02 - you come through the ball not turning enough not bending backward enough not side bending enough to the right and then you're left at the mercy of how well you pull your elbow apart and how quickly you extend your wrists i hate that it's like more of a game of chance right yeah the piece about the follow-through i get asked all the time why does this matter the ball's already gone well it's influencing how you hit the ball how you achieve that so if you do this picture closer to your tour

00:05:25 - averages or the best players in the game it changes how you hit that's why this is almost the most important part to get right yeah so one to look at here you notice his trail heel it's just over his foot and how your heels further back that's the the way that'll go away would be the uh just keep pushing your hips towards the target and up like high and then that'll drag your heel closer to your toe and then all that stretching that you do is like from your your shirt buttons up okay

00:05:55 - it's more like your neck makes sense yeah kind of okay i don't know do you try to keep your head down when you hit these no just more i've always done that since i was 10 years old people always tell me that gotcha keep your head down or that's no no so let's keep going even a few more frames so you saw how backward bent he was wow and we match that again he's still bending himself backward by now i'm going to measure this when your right arm's parallel the ground currently

00:06:23 - this will be the number that we're going to chase in a few practice swings your shoulder bend is 24 degrees forward 22 ish she'll start with that one that's where you need to be at least five degrees backwards so you've got 27 more uh pieces of backward bend wow so right now you're standing where your shoulder bend is just zero so just keep bending your your neck back and your torso back your shoulders back that's how it's got to feel when your arms are parallel through them through the hip

00:06:52 - yeah kind of makes sense yeah okay so that's a lot of words i'll make you do this with less instruction but there's a lot of different parts in there but that's the picture that's really causing you the most issues okay sounds good yeah so let's do it

00:07:09 - all right so first one let's just do a couple practice swings and i think why don't you just throw the club down on the ground because i kind of want to teach you just how to move first and then we'll hit some shots too so start with just posing where the shaft would be parallel to the ground on the way down okay this is the time when you start to do the hips forward and the shoulders backward and then just keep moving your arms around all the way up until your right

00:07:32 - arm's parallel what do you think about you know how they say like keep your butt against the wall yeah you need to do that yeah you're doing that part okay i am yeah okay it's the the hip slide or shifting yourself to the left right which i'm not doing properly with your head to the right that's what will help you do that okay so here yeah and then go to where your right arm's parallel to the ground okay and then turn your head and you should feel like your neck's even the backside

00:07:58 - that's why we're doing this without a club it's pretty simple to do like uh that movement it's just more complicated when you start holding the club or even having your arms together so uh pose this one for me since that was a little awkward for you to do just start with your weight on your front foot and your heel up into the air like you would do your fallout here okay bring your hips up as high as you can go you got it and then keep turning to watch that hitting

00:08:19 - screen until your shoulders touch more to the right there's your follow through so when you look at that picture over here we'll just compare that getting you to that spot is the harder one for you to do right now let me show you what that looks like sid get an impression of it so most of the most lessons are start by just kind of learning what to do right then you can start hitting it but this is where the wheels fall so now you've got you can use that tv that's in

00:08:53 - the background you can see how much more your hips are towards the right right you can see how the backward bending is 12 back here versus where we started which was 24 forward wow that makes sense with the bending part i know it went fast to describe that no no it's correct so let's do a couple more of those and then know that that moving that you're practicing now starts when the shaft is right about here 45 degrees to the ground that's when you'll start to feel like you

00:09:23 - raise your hips up push them towards the target arms really straight and then even watching the ball hit the screen sooner because that extending of your neck is important to help your shoulders go back to right now you're mocking that out well so let's just do a couple more of those okay now same thing i think it's important oh yeah okay because i don't want to fake it like back because i feel like my tendency is going to go like this sure and everyone starts that way that's a

00:09:50 - fair point too so yeah that's where even my instruction to you first all the way to the left yeah i can make this okay yeah yeah and if you felt fall back on the first couple that's okay but know that it's just where your hips are they just have to keep moving this way okay rotating yeah so there this one you did on your own i think i just filmed a practice swinger

00:10:15 - so all that movement is good shoulders are tilted more to the right and here's a comparison again so there's number one keep referring to number one because it's just an easy easy comp for you here so your shoulders are turned more 91 degrees versus the 66. your shoulder bend is backwards more 13 relative to the 25 your hips are up higher same thing with the tv they're moving closer to the hole yeah so all that moving where you get close to the ball and you stop moving yourself yeah

00:10:45 - you really just hit and roll the shaft and extend your wrist you've got a at that point in time where the shaft's 45 degrees you got to almost put it into high gear and how you're going to move yourself right get it out of the way yeah make sense yeah okay so let's do one with a club

00:11:03 - you don't even need a ball yet we'll get there you're going to do this with a ball but it's just a good way to learn how to do it so you can do whatever backswing you want and then try to hit that follow through uh in the positioning that we talked about good okay so you don't need to turn your foot as much that can still stay if anything if this is 90 degrees straight up and down vertical you don't need to go past that that's just a good way to learn though

00:11:26 - okay okay keep your pelvis forward like that your arms your model student up there right okay do that one more time and then hold your follow through one one more

00:11:41 - good you got it fix your foot and this is good that's how you want to practice just stop here fix your foot make sure your hips are in the right spot keep your arms really straight do the backward bending of your neck and then you can just do it again and when that gets easy then we're going to put a ball down it's probably one more swing

00:12:01 - good almost there like there well you're not used to having your shoulders turning your shoulders are open about 30 degrees more than they were yeah so with that your hips are turning more and without your ankles turning more yeah so you don't have the regulator for that yet

00:12:18 - good every time that was great all right one more time and then this one to help you with that yeah remember the side bend and you asked about your head moving forward right do the same thing i'm just putting the stick up by your ear okay but it's like six inches away now if you do this wrong you go home with a nice but red don't hit your head same form good okay can you hit one like that doesn't have to go any harder than that okay

00:12:49 - i'm still going to keep this stick up there hold your follow through even if you hit me with the ball marissa which i know you're not going to do even if you do just hold your falls here okay ready nice okay let's compare those well i know that was a tiny hit how was the hit well struck that was really good all right so check this out they look pretty similar here right okay do you see a whole lot of difference in that one a little a little bit well they should be about the same

00:13:25 - okay generously do much different there that's all the rest that's going to be different now so here's your first one i hate that it's not that bad i can get i get it though when you've watched yourself hit so many balls you don't like some of these pictures but you got to figure out how to change them yeah okay so your arms are straighter at impact on the one on the right let's start doing some measuring in here let's start with this one you notice that look almost of uh how

00:13:50 - you're looking down yeah like if you drop the contact lens out of your eye that's the look we're trying to get rid of here so now you're gonna keep bending yourself backward keep raising up your hips and we're at about the same point in time with your right arm so those are about the same your shoulders have turned seven degrees more and your shoulder bend is the big one i'm trying to get after one back so 67 yeah and then 24 forward so besides natalie gulbis no one is more

00:14:23 - bent forward i think on the lpga tour and she doesn't really play anymore than what you are on that one on the left wow it's that far away from like your peers or where you're trying to hit um i'd ask you some about do you hit it far enough this is a big part to hit it for like uh it's like doing a deadlift you need to rip that weight off the ground that helps you move the butt into the club really fast yeah instead you're trying to move your arms really fast by

00:14:52 - you but you're staying flexed forward so that your right motion is challenging you're just not using yourself as a right like a catapult in there so uh first you see does it look different enough to you okay now that's a tiny little chip shot now we need to start going harder right so let's do one more chip that way then we're gonna hit like really your normal backswing your normal downswing smash the ball out there still trying to stop really short like that with all

00:15:19 - those components still in there okay that makes sense okay yes you're doing awesome am i answering your questions so far okay so another one that's like whatever speed that was okay 25 30 and hold your follow-through again

00:15:36 - nice oh you're ready okay rip that thing out there that's awesome

00:15:48 - i hate it so whatever that was with speed maybe go a little faster but uh same form with the follow-through trying to throw the brakes on okay so stopping it yeah okay yep i'll show you how to do the rest of the swing from there okay but that's the part you need to get right okay okay so smash this one whatever you would normal speed with an eight iron

00:16:11 - oh okay a little bit fat right yeah with the hit okay so that what that should tell you is that you've you might have done the swing okay but if it's fat you need to try to do that even more and faster with the backward bending and the raising of your hips okay and that's usually pretty normal with uh the first time you try to go fast and that's where i felt like i was initiating that with my arms from here instead of still think that's fine it's the once you get the shaft closer to

00:16:40 - parallel the ground you can't stay bent forward okay you got to get out of that forward bend okay still want to have your arms really straight it's like a long hard punch again

00:16:52 - nice okay let's check that one out i still think you get behind that just a touch but it's the same yeah style awesome backswing keep doing that ugh yeah give me a second all right your arms are more bent than the practice um and you still hit behind the ball does that make sense okay so now you need to bend backward more and still have your arms straight okay now let's keep going on this side so you went from the 24 forward to now three degrees forward your hips were three degrees back now

00:17:30 - they're eight back so you're doing this better it's just not as good as the practice swing was so can you do one practice swing just next to the ball and then we'll hit again and then this is the part you do you need to do with your driver all of your long clubs good now you see how that one the club just grazed the mat that's the amount of downward strike you need if you hit the mat harder you should sell yourself okay i need to bend backwards sooner and more yeah

00:18:02 - that's good okay smash this one again just like the two attempts you had rip it out there throwing the brakes on fast

00:18:16 - nice pretty good straighten your arms out a little bit more good so yeah they should be locked really straight yep really straight and your shoulders and head should feel like they're back as far as you can go do you like feeling like almost like engaged here and like keeping your arms super straight and then just feeling like you're rotating more like your torso is turning yeah yeah yeah so the moment you hit for you which would be good advice you would hit flex your elbow flex your wrists and

00:18:42 - your arms would start to uh just keep abducting away from you they just pull away from your chest you need to feel like it's all locked from the moment right all the way through it's not it just has to feel that way yeah definitely good question okay same thing i'm just putting the stick up by your head again throw the brakes on fast smash it out there good a little fat again so what does that tell you that is the ball kind of tell you uh hold on let me so that that ball will tell you

00:19:14 - in spite of the uh the delay there the ball tells you when it's fat yeah you gotta do it more yeah can it make sense when you were going slower it was okay now you're going faster it's a little harder for you to get out of that forward bend again that's why i'm trying to keep this up by your head keep stretching yourself out so your face doesn't get closer to it

00:19:34 - nice pretty close i like it okay

00:20:01 - okay that one uh what i'll film this next one for you but as you're hitting these your head and your neck are still flexed forward okay and that can even feel reversal like it's happening into the downswing yeah it's just the backward bending you're doing is happening too late so you hit behind it your elbows are bent because learning that coordination is okay what you're practicing right now

00:20:28 - better pretty good just about got that's the type of shot you want to hit i think anyway or these like high draws i wouldn't worry about the curve being right just as long as they're all drawing okay yeah those are all drying got one cut in there but that's right everybody makes mistakes

00:20:52 - good are you recognizing still being bent forward a touch through the ball or not really yeah okay so let's do one more practice swing just next to the ball again you feel like you're just kind of grazing the turf and your head does not hit this rod good you do it great without a ball there really yeah i think that was good that wasn't even good let's let's test it i don't want you to feel like this is my opinion we're gonna measure this one

00:21:21 - good okay how was that grade yourself one to ten on that one um six man you're tough critic hard doing this

00:21:35 - left arm is straighter and you're trying to get you started at 24 back when your right arm was parallel to the ground probably at one forward your heel is almost over your toe now you've got your hips more forward you just need to keep doing those more

00:21:53 - 28 32 back so you couldn't really hit enough balls just going home and doing that started practicing [Music] that yeah so to review this is the important part where i think a lot of people go wrong okay uh when do you want to start bending backward when you sit here here yeah or maybe even a touch sooner the shaft's like 45 degrees to the ground that's when you start to move your hips towards the target put all your weight on your front foot yep and bend backwards so that you wouldn't

00:22:22 - move your head into this rod right good so you did about none of that you're definitely physically capable of it you just weren't trying to do that right through the shot and that's what makes you look like collin and that's a big part to help you keep your arms really straight while still alleviating the angle of attack problem yep go backwards all right sound good perfect questions you got it they're good nice okay all right well thanks for being part of a little i

00:22:49 - think some people like to see what a golf lesson is like even with someone of your caliber who's really good so thanks for letting everybody see that thank you enjoy

00:23:02 - [Music]

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