Take a GOLFTEC lesson with Pro Golfer Fredrik Lindblom and experience the power of OPTIMOTION! What would a Swing Evaluation reveal in your game?
00:00:01 - Fred is receiving a golf lesson to work on his game and address some key points in his swing that have been affecting his performance in recent tournaments.
00:01:00 - I'm working on transitioning from lateral hip movement to rotational in my swing to avoid getting flippy and improve club positioning and plane movements.
00:01:55 - The key is to have a consistent swing to avoid unpredictable shots.
00:02:55 - The concern is how the trail hip influences the swing, with a focus on being more rotational and closed rather than swaying too far outward.
00:03:46 - Hip sway is the measurement of movement towards and away from your center pelvis relative to the target, with a full 6 inches of movement away observed during the takeaway.
00:05:48 - Shift your path slightly to the right by focusing on moving the hips towards the target and keeping them close, which will result in an inward hand path and better tracking towards the target by the end of your swing.
00:06:47 - Move your hands more towards the target during the swing to improve your path and align the face properly.
00:07:51 - Check the tracking from the address position to the takeaway, ensuring the right hip is moving more towards where you started.
00:08:36 - The key is to move towards the target rather than away from it to prevent swaying off the ball, allowing for a longer swing without bending the left arm.
00:09:33 - Move the club in a fake turn to encourage hip closure and better swing alignment towards the target.
00:10:34 - Move your hips more towards the target for better hip turn in your swing.
00:11:47 - The adjustments in hip movement and hand path alignment can help improve the golf swing and lead to a more accurate shot towards the target.
00:12:39 - I feel a different sensation with the ball, feeling freer and allowing the body to turn more naturally in the second half of the swing by focusing on keeping the tailbone over the left heel and moving towards the net.
00:13:00 - The hip movement is good and there is minimal movement towards the target, indicating improvement from previous swings.
00:14:15 - Improving hip sway can enhance shoulder rotation in the backswing, leading to a more effective golf swing, compared to the older method of restricting hip movement.
00:16:10 - The system measures improvements from the before swing to the after swing, encouraging the key point to move more towards the target.
🏌️♂️ Fred is transitioning from a professional caddy to improving his own golf game.
🔄 Fred is working on becoming more rotational in his swing instead of being too lateral.
🎯 Proper hip rotation is crucial for achieving a more on-plane swing and avoiding getting stuck in the downswing.
🏌️♀️ Many golfers struggle with not closing their turns enough during the backswing, leading to an outward hand path.
📉 Excessive lateral movement in the hips can cause a flippy swing and inconsistent shots.
🔍 Tracking hip movement can help identify and correct issues with sway and turn during the swing.
🏌️♂️ The best players in the world start moving their hips towards the target from the second position in the swing.
📏 Small adjustments in hip sway and turn can lead to significant improvements in swing mechanics.
🎥 Using 3D tracking systems provides more precise feedback than traditional video analysis.
00:00:01 - [Music] all right welcome everybody I have Frederick here do you give Fred or Frederick what should I call you uh Fred is perfect it's a little shorter oh yeah it is shorter and it's easier so uh we're going to work on a little bit of your game give you a lesson and everything show some key points show some optimotion so some show some cool stuff right perfect and and check up on the game so what's been happening with your game as lately I'm turned into a professional caddy okay so
00:00:32 - I haven't played much Hanah is taking the professional tour role in the relationship but I did play a couple of smaller tournaments in Sweden and I have been playing really well so um so the game is definitely trending there are a couple of things in my swing that I always struggle with okay so yeah you mentioned a little bit of just trying to get the a little bit more closure of the turns I'm pretty much address back swing and then also opening the terms was a
00:00:58 - concern for you on for yours on down swing yeah I've always been very lateral so and now I'm trying to become a little bit more rotational because in the back swing kind of my hips always moved kind of this way okay instead of rotating so what happened was I move lateral I get super picky mhm and then I try to shallow It Out by pushing my hips towards the Target to get the hands down and then I get extremely flippy so uh now I'm trying to get better rotation to
00:01:26 - get the club in a better more on plane position and then from there use the lower body and the rotation to get the clubs more uh down on plane so and so I don't get as stuck in the Down Swinging pretty much yeah you said something really good right there which a lot of golfers actually struggle with is that they don't close a turns enough from the address of the back swing so you're left with a hand path that's just too far outward especially starting the down swing and then what do they do is
00:01:53 - that they all stop their turns they stop the handle and go into a move whether it be bending back backwards right we tilting just to show the club and get a usable hit exactly and then results into a shot that you don't know what's coming next no right and the body stalls and the club just kind of flips so M exactly and that can be pretty common for anybody that stands up or they describe it as that but bending backwards rightward tilting again all that all
00:02:19 - those good stuff so um but I do need to get a pattern for you uh let so let's go ahead and hit a couple of shots take a look at the swing and just kind of see what's going on perfect
00:02:35 - all right feel like that's kind of a typical Miss Perfect use a slight overhook okay I got you yeah club path about 2 and 1 half the face the path being closed about three so yeah that shot's going to start straighter than curve left
00:02:55 - yeah now one uh big concern that you brought up to me Fred was just kind of of what your Trail hip is doing uh so what we got here and kind of showcase this on the previous lesson is just I want to track that right hip so if you're not closing your turns enough that means you're going to be swaying you you told me you're kind of getting a little bit more lateral instead you want to be more rotational within your swing if you're more rotational that trail hip is going to go more towards a Target
00:03:22 - thus your sways are going to be more towards and also your turns are going to be more closed anytime that you sway away with your your hip or or shoulders of that sort you're also not going to be closed as much as a tour average and and you're going to be resulted into a hand path that is too far outward so I want to take a look at that first so I'm going to go ahead and save this and we're just going to put that key point right on your Trail hip so we have the
00:03:46 - hip turn brought out and we also have some hip sway brought out okay so hip sway is just the measurement of towards and away from pretty much your your Center pelvis uh relative to the Target y okay so let's watch where the hip goes so from the address position to pretty much your takeaway um our two are average form and you can see just how much it did move from where you were at addess MH so addess it was labeling you off at zero Y and then you moved almost a full 6 in looks like
00:04:20 - exact 6 in away from the target so our T average form is.3 in away so if I see a little bit of movement away I'm okay yeah I I would like to see a little bit less from you especially with what you were describing already and as I was mentioning of this position here you kind of alluded to it anyways we're going to see a red number with that 6° closed you start at 4° or yellow you start at 4° open and then we close them to 18° close during the back swing with
00:04:50 - what the hips do so you're going to see both those numbers being yellow but let's see if we just catch it up and kind of where the lead arm is parallel to the ground right about here now here's the issue that I see a lot you got a really good swing but I see what you're talking about because you moved from 6 in away so back to this side of screen apologies to now8 in away yeah so keep going that way right that's a problem because I see a lot of good golfers they kind of go a little bit
00:05:19 - towards the target here but then when the arm gets to just parallel or just pass they start already moving towards the target going back yeah and that's actually just going of stay in there mhm you're exactly right the best players in the world are going to start moving their hips more towards a Target starting from that second position so Club being parallel to the ground starting from there their hips never Venture away from the target ever again yeah they continue moving more towards
00:05:45 - MH now is this a way to combat say too much inside to out it can be but also for the sake of what you're doing is that your path is a little bit too straight with a face that is closed majority of the time resulting into these left shots so if we can move that path and shift that path just a smidge more right which means if we can get the hips moving more towards and then also the hips being more close that can result into that inward hand path that we were talking about in the previous
00:06:11 - lesson so that would be a really good route because I should start to see the tracking start to move more towards the Target and by the time that you get up to the top of your swing you should be with that hip sway so right about there is your top you're still away from the target yeah okay but the hip is at least turned but it's not s oh yeah you did see the the sway move more towards right from right about the top of your swing yeah you pretty much completed the the top of
00:06:45 - your swing right about there so they are going to move more towards which is good yeah but you're going to be resulted into a path as you're already talking about you're into a position with your hands which is too far outward so if we can get this purple line to be more towards a target a little bit easy or a little bit earlier yeah okay so it marks you kind of where you were during the back swing in yellow and then when it transitions to the downswing it's it's
00:07:10 - now purple or pink okay and that would be super useful for getting you that path that's a little bit more rightward so that close face to path will at least be useful to you and not hurting you so much yeah okay so what I want you to do um you you already kind of know what to do but let's go ahead and set up to the ball okay perfect now what I want you to do is I want you to try to get your tailbone over your left heel as much as you possibly can there you go so this way yep so even
00:07:43 - more good now do it one more time for me I'm just going to go ahead and record that good okay now let's check as is where that tracking went from the address position with that right hip all the way to that takeaway so moves a little away that's okay to start but now it should move more towards so you see that transition of our little key Point here mhm after right here that should be moving more towards to where you started let's double check that there you
00:08:23 - go now let's check out that previous swing that you had
00:08:36 - so moves off the ball sways too much away from the target so less of a line that we have with the tracking continue to move that to right about where the lead humorous is parallel to the ground should be moving more towards a Target and that's the pattern that we're seeing with that key point now much better yeah yeah 100% then I don't get so much fold in my left arm either because I kind of feel like I the limits the turn and then I have to kind of like fold the left arm to kind of fake finish
00:09:10 - my back swing instead of just turning so it's kind of like my way of oh I want a little longer swing so I just bend it because I feel like I don't have enough range of motion to keep my left arm straight and actually finish my turn Well yeah if you ever want to move the handle use your body for sure uh because once you stop using your body kind of as we saw in that very first swing you're going to separate the elbow span yeah you're going to start bending the elbows
00:09:33 - just to get the club to continue moving back fake turn the fake Turn exactly yep exactly so if we even looked obviously with the sway this is in a completely different ballpark now so you have8 in away where you were about the lead humorous being parallel to the ground to now9 in towards yep there's a blue position as opposed to a yellow position that would at least benefit kind of what we were talking about plus you already reached your uh hip turn for what you accomplished on
00:10:08 - topwing exactly again those two numbers will go together the sway and the turns the more you're going towards the target it's going to encourage more closure of the hips so that's going to be a really good thing for you now like I said all I said was try to move you can even think about that key Point too just try to move that key Point towards the net as much as you can and we'll do these uh kind of little swings we go about to your lead arm being parallel to the
00:10:31 - ground and just see if you can move the the hip more towards the target there you go nice okay let's check out that one so hip sway is out also we want to bring out some hip turn and I believe I already have those guys out there there you go cool so I put that guy away all right thought is just try to move that key Point towards the target as much as you can y so you started like I said with a little bit of away movement which is fine but now the hips are starting to move more towards the
00:11:12 - target even from that second position yep so that is a blue and green position there but as you continue moving keep those hips moving towards the Target and look how much more turn you have yeah it's much better a ton so you're 1.5 in towards a target with the hips fantastic and a hip turn of 45° close 45 44 is our tour average and for kind of give you an example or an idea of where the hip sway should be it should be at 0.3 in towards the target for the best players in the world
00:11:44 - yeah so I'm a little bit little bit more with this field right which is just fine for a field for a field mhm exactly because by the time you were at the top of your swing on your previous swing it was still at 2 in away from the Target and that's going to limit a lot of what the closure of the hips can do you can even see going up to the top of the Swing we only saw 43° close as the max closure with our hips and you can see you got to 50 yeah that will help out
00:12:11 - with an inward hand path if you can get the hands to where they are right there this is fantastic to see cuz it needs to be about 3 in behind that trail shoulder okay Co there's your two average hand path that'll encourage more of a 4 degree in out path if you if you hit 4 de in out there's your two aage club path in the first place now your 2° close isn't going to cost you the left miss anymore it's going to bring it back to Target let me hit a full one that's
00:12:36 - this this is a great feel actually I really like that it's completely different feel off the ball but I feel a lot Freer I feel like the body wants to turn instead of me kind of having to fight in the second half of the Swing yeah so tailbone over the left heel think about the key Point moving more towards my net yeah
00:13:00 - all right let's take a look at that hip where does that right hip go work like I said we're okay with a little yeah all right with that very first start of the Swing it's supposed to move about 3 in away from the target anyways from there look at where the key Point's moving yeah more kind of you staying there okay so it's better it's staying there but let's take a look at just what is supported here fantastic this is kind of what I was was looking for oh yeah as
00:13:31 - I was mentioning when we're doing a lot of the exaggeration you're 1.5 in towards the target with the hips and if I'm looking for somebody that's to be around the tour average in the caliber that you want to be being green is a good thing for you so 0.3 in towards being our T average form right there fantastic you're at4 in towards so not seeing a ton of movement with your your hip right here is fantastic go back to even the first swing that we had with what the hip was doing was a lot more
00:14:02 - motion yeah so going back and just look at the line that was drawn by our tracking system with our key
00:14:15 - points so there's the difference yeah where's my hip sway of course it's not going to come out but it's 6 in away right there as opposed to4 in towards so that's a good 10 in Improvement there I mean that just feels also I feel so restricted in the beginning compared to now is is it's quite interesting when you think about oh I need to turn better in the back swing most people are just thinking about the shoulder rotation right but it all kind of starts from the
00:14:50 - lower body especially I have kind of bad t-spine mobility in all my tests with TPI and other other trainers so if I'm not using in the hips and everything there's no way I'm getting to a good shoulder turn MH so you know it's kind of the old way like the old school way with the X Factor where you're supposed to not turn the hips and just turn your upper body not many people can handle that oh it's so hard to s that way isn't it and especially if you're allowing the
00:15:16 - hips to close as you're saying the shoulders just do a whole lot more now don't they they have more motion as as you're kind of mentioning from what your issues are so keeping that key Point more towards the target fantastic that'll result into a path that's a little bit straighter or a little bit more to the right so you can close that face and will actually go the target necessarily Miss left all the time that's a great shot there oh was fantastic right there that's just kind
00:15:39 - of my stock draw so aim a little right kind of straight draws a little bit and yeah well next time we'll work on the face of path that's a really good start with the path that's great thanks a million man I'm going to take this field with me for sure got a couple of months now kind of offseason for me so uh but that was that was massive super cool that can see and get the direct feedback here because how do you see really on video If you're not looking at 3D like a
00:16:05 - slight few inches with the hip turn is hard to see with just camera instead of this system so we we were measuring to 10 in there from what we were just looking at on your before swing to your after swing so that's a huge improvement keep that key Point moving more towards and uh good luck with your caddy career I'm I might have need one of those soon yeah great thank you yep absolutely
00:16:32 - he
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